Negotiation Scripting 101
Succeed at your next negotiation with the Collaborative Outcomes Approach.
Recently, one of my students, who I will refer to as Sara, asked me for some advice on how to ask for a promotion. Sara has been at her company for several years and believed that her strong track record warranted a more senior title and a pay raise. However, Sara was feeling nervous and unsure if she should even broach this topic with her manager during these uncertain times.
Let’s face it - negotiations can feel daunting, even for the most experienced professional. I have spent the past 15 years teaching women how to develop this critical skill and make it an active part of their leadership toolkit. After coaching countless students through a wide range of negotiations, I developed a Collaborative Outcomes Approach that promotes constructive dialogue and creative problem-solving necessary for achieving desired and mutually beneficial results. Here are the 5 key steps from this win-win approach that I walked through with Sara so she could skillfully and confidently navigate this important conversation:
1. Set up the conversation
When I asked Sara how she was planning to bring up this conversation with her manager, she shrugged and said she would ask for some time after their next 1:1 to chat about something important.
Instead of keeping her boss in the dark, I recommended Sara set up the discussion with two areas in mind: clarity and tone.
“I always enjoy talking to you about my professional goals - you provide such valuable guidance. I was hoping for your advice on my current role.”
A clear purpose and warm attitude signal positive expectations for this interaction and can make the other party feel like a valued and trusted ally. If emotions are running high (e.g. feelings of discomfort, nervousness, contempt) the delivery can detract from the message and negatively impact the desired outcome.
2. Establish background
After setting up the conversation, I asked Sara to provide some context to ease her manager into the conversation.
“As you know, I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this team for the past two years, managing some of our organization’s key products…”
This is an opportunity to briefly highlight relevant efforts, interests, or status in order to guide the other party through the discussion.
3. Present data
In addition to establishing background, we brainstormed key data points Sara could use to support her case.
“In particular, I am proud of achieving…”
Your performance metrics, areas of impact, market value research, or competitive offers can all serve as significant data points to emphasize the value of your contributions.
4. Ask
After sharing the relevant background and data, Sara was ready to present her ask.
“Based on my successful performance, I would like to explore moving into a senior role so I can achieve greater value for the team…”
Be clear about your goal. And in addition to acknowledging past achievements and results, you make your case even more compelling when you are able to convey your sincere enthusiasm and continued dedication to delivering future impact. It’s a win-win for both parties.
5. Invite feedback
After stating her request, I recommended Sara pause to take in her manager’s response.
“I would love to hear your thoughts on this.”
This is the time to thoughtfully listen and leave room for dialogue, feedback, and if necessary, further time for your decision-maker to process the details. Depending on the response, you can then determine what the best course of action is based on the specific circumstances and available options.
The final script

Here’s what Sara’s final script looked like combining all of these steps:
[set up] Thank you for serving as such an inspiring manager and mentor this past year. I would love your guidance as I think about the next steps.
[background] It has been such a meaningful experience leading Product Turbo for the past 2 years here at Company X.
[data] As you know, since I took over managing this product, we have secured 40 new customers and increased revenue by 200%.
[ask] Based on this performance and the overwhelmingly positive feedback from key stakeholders, I wanted to explore the possibility of moving into a Senior Product Manager role so I can continue to leverage Product Turbo’s success in order to grow other critical areas of our business.
[invite feedback] I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
After conducting this conversation with her manager, I’m happy to report that Sara set the wheels in motion for her desired outcome - a promotion, increased compensation, and higher visibility and influence in her organization.
I hope Sara’s experience inspires you to leverage the Collaborative Outcomes Approach to lay the groundwork for future growth and opportunities while reinforcing relationships with key allies. Regardless of the outcome, this is a meaningful and empowering step in your professional journey.
I love this 👏 Thanks for the information.